Skillshares & Workshops

Work As Medicine (W.A.M.)

Work As Medicine arose organically as a community response in loving reciprocity with the plants, the animals, and the land. This varies seasonally - sometimes we’re making herbal medicine together that gets shared at the Tahoma Indian Center, sometimes it’s harvesting together, sometimes we tend and mulch garden beds, and it could even be communal canning.

We collaborate with Canoe Journey Herbalists and the Native Sharing Garden by hosting Work As Medicine bimonthly.

Follow us on instagram @roseislandfarm for details.

Canning & Preserving

Here at the farm we center the traditional foodways of our BIPOC kin. Reconnecting folks with their ancestral traditions and safely practicing these sovereign traditions has been a big focus of our work. We preserve using both water bath canning and pressure canning methods. Some traditional foods we work with include:

  • rabbit

  • elk

  • deer

  • and salmon.

We also teach pemmican making and preserving using dehydration as well.

(Re)membering Our Ancestral Ways